
If you bring forth what is within you it will save you. If you do not, it will destroy you. Gospel of Thomas

Today, another writer reminded me that I needed to write. Right? Right here: WaltBox

I’ve often been called a chatterbox. I’m also an introvert so my family has beared the brunt of my ceaseless conversation.

I’m also a pray-er. I talk to God a lot. Almost constantly. God’s ok with my chatter. I often ask Him for relief. Relief from inner anxiety, boredom, anger, fear. Relief from myself I suppose. And His answer is always the same.

He tells me to write.

He tells me to write and I ignore it. I know what you’re thinking – but Kevi, you are surrounded by your own words on pages and posts and journals. You are writing! True dat. But when I find myself weighted down by whatever my emotion of the day is…it’s usually because I’m NOT writing. Days or weeks have gone by without a word.

And there-in lies my problem. I’m a big talker but not the best listener. Or maybe I don’t want to hear the answer. Or perhaps, I can’t believe God would suggest I write because I don’t have anything noteable to say. I write about razor clams and martini cravings and campers.

So maybe I’m like Moses who told God – NO I can’t do it. I don’t wanna. (Please note that I do realize I’ve just compared myself to the guy who, according to Wikipedia, was “the most important prophet in Judaism[3][4]and one of the most important prophets in ChristianityIslam, the Druze Faith,[5][6] the Baháʼí FaithSamaritanism, and Rastafariansim. According to both the Bible and the Quran,[7] Moses was the leader of the Israelites and lawgiver to whom the prophetic authorship of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is attributed.[8] ” Yes, the dude who led the Jews out of slavery, delivered the Ten Commandments and unleashed plagues.

So maybe I’m being overly dramatic.

But of course, God is not suggesting I write in order to save the world. It’s just to keep myself sane. Right? WRITE.