Riled and Retired

I was going to write about my ongoing battle to help my husband lower his A1C (the blood test that reveals what your blood sugar has been doing over the past three months) and cholesterol. I was going to carry on about how much he is loving tofu scrambles for breakfast and that I’m getting all my meat from MOINK now because we’ve pretty much run out of that cow we bought a couple years ago.

But I AM PISSED OFF at the news (again). The recent murder of the nursing student in Georgia has sent me over the edge and all I can say is WE GOTTA MAKE OUR GOVERNMENT FIX THE FRIGGIN’ BORDER! AND reverse as much of the damage that has been done as they can. And God help them, they have fucked up so badly – I don’t know what they can do to fix it. In my opinion, they have screwed over migrants with false hope and promises, as well as citizens of the country.

I will still work on my husband’s diet and my sobriety but I will make my voice heard on this – even if it’s just writing and calling my congress-people. BUT if there’s a well organized protest at our southern border? Well, I’ve got an RV and I’m not afraid to use it.

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Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

One thought on “Riled and Retired”

  1. Unfortunately, while they may be giving false hope to migrants, they are also letting in a lot of terrorists, the whole Biden administration needs to be charged for treason for how they have let our country be over run. We are not in a battle of left or right, but of good and evil. More people need to wake up to the truth of what is happening, not just in our country, but all over the world.

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