
If you bring forth what is within you it will save you. If you do not, it will destroy you. Gospel of Thomas

Today, another writer reminded me that I needed to write. Right? Right here: WaltBox

I’ve often been called a chatterbox. I’m also an introvert so my family has beared the brunt of my ceaseless conversation.

I’m also a pray-er. I talk to God a lot. Almost constantly. God’s ok with my chatter. I often ask Him for relief. Relief from inner anxiety, boredom, anger, fear. Relief from myself I suppose. And His answer is always the same.

He tells me to write.

He tells me to write and I ignore it. I know what you’re thinking – but Kevi, you are surrounded by your own words on pages and posts and journals. You are writing! True dat. But when I find myself weighted down by whatever my emotion of the day is…it’s usually because I’m NOT writing. Days or weeks have gone by without a word.

And there-in lies my problem. I’m a big talker but not the best listener. Or maybe I don’t want to hear the answer. Or perhaps, I can’t believe God would suggest I write because I don’t have anything noteable to say. I write about razor clams and martini cravings and campers.

So maybe I’m like Moses who told God – NO I can’t do it. I don’t wanna. (Please note that I do realize I’ve just compared myself to the guy who, according to Wikipedia, was “the most important prophet in Judaism[3][4]and one of the most important prophets in ChristianityIslam, the Druze Faith,[5][6] the Baháʼí FaithSamaritanism, and Rastafariansim. According to both the Bible and the Quran,[7] Moses was the leader of the Israelites and lawgiver to whom the prophetic authorship of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is attributed.[8] ” Yes, the dude who led the Jews out of slavery, delivered the Ten Commandments and unleashed plagues.

So maybe I’m being overly dramatic.

But of course, God is not suggesting I write in order to save the world. It’s just to keep myself sane. Right? WRITE.

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Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

6 thoughts on “ChatterBox”

  1. u like to hear your chatter. I miss you when you don’t!
    BTW, did you think about joining the newer truckers convoy? I haven’t heard a whole lot on it, so not sure it’s even still going on. They went to the border!

      1. I meant, I like to hear your chatter. LOL!😆 Well that’s ok. But it was fun hearing your take on the situation last time. Especially since mainstream news is silent on the matter. Now the truckers are banding together to stop deliveries into New York City, because of the judges false ruling and the illegal immigrant issue there. They are each being given $10,000 debit card, without ID, so what’s to keep them from getting one every day. The taxpayers get to pay for it, meanwhile they keep attacking the police and law enforcement there. And the ruling on Trump, which was trumped up charges, not only affects him, but any who want to invest in real estate in New York, as well as business and property owners. It’s a mess!

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