Razor Clam Digging with the Wrong Shoes

On our last day of razor clam digging with the wrong shoes, I figured something out — and yes, I agree — I should have been a rocket scientist.

I had walked as close to the surf as I could get. I had tiptoed and leaped across the big pools,

but there was a final river of sea water left by the out going tide. It was simply too deep for me to cross without tall boots. Mr. Sutter had crossed it successfully, but I was left on the other side alone to wander about and I was getting bored.

Suddenly, I had an epiphany:

I could take my shoes and socks off.

Free at last.

What else is holding me back? And by, me, I mean us. I’ve come to find that the chains and road blocks in life are both real and imaginary.

For example…

On a hot summer day, I’d love to strip down to my swimsuit and jump in one of our gorgeous local lakes. But my self-consciousness about my body holds me back. I could still do it though. Overweight people do it all the time. I see ’em out there wading in and I think – how brave!

Another is…

I’ve told myself 1,754,147 times that I cannot get back into art. I’m not an artist anymore. In fact, I probably don’t even want to draw or paint or create – I just feel guilty not doing it. But that my friends could be a lie. There are few things more satisfying to me than creating images on paper. Maybe words on paper suffice. But, I’m not quite sure I should quit other forms of art. And I don’t like that voice that tells me not to even try anymore.

I’ve adding swimming and art to my list. So, how great does this retirement sound?

  • wade in the ocean
  • lavish health habits on body, mind and spirit
  • express a human experience through words
  • share tasty nourishment conjured in a comfy kitchen
  • create clean black lines
  • play with color, paste and paper
  • celebrate, laugh and cry with family and friends
  • walk in the woods and jump in the lakes
  • learn to be comfortable with discomfort
  • get reacquainted
  • explore

God has blessed me with the ability to retire. I am blessed beyond belief. I thought I would work forever – in fact, I wanted to. And maybe at some point I’ll have to go back…but for now… I will rejoice every moment of every day and use my time wisely.

Back on the beach, I had a barefoot blast! Sand between toes, I heckled the waves. Come and get me! And they did. I made patterns in the sand and imagined the excellent exfoliation my feet were getting. The clam diggers eyed me with envy or disbelief at my foolishness – who cares! Best day of the trip for me, plus we — and by we, I mean he — got our razor clam limit.

Published by

Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

2 thoughts on “Razor Clam Digging with the Wrong Shoes”

  1. I love going barefoot on the beach, in any weather. I grew up on the Pudget Sound, so if I don’t get to ground myself at the ocean at least once a year, I literally have emotional issues! 😆
    I also need to create. I think you need to tell that negative voice in your head that tells you not to, to shut up! Creating is a good thing. It’s an outlet, and when you are a creative person, you are not being true to who you are when you deny that part of you, so I say, create on!
    Love your blogs! 💕

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