02/25/22 AM convoy road ramblings

We finally caught up to the convoy on the far eastern edge of Arizona. It got down to 10° last night! This morning at 7 AM before we departed there was a speaker from the Navajo nation. We missed it because the convoy is over a mile long and in 10° weather it was a bit much to walk. My coffee froze into a Frappuccino in my mug. I had spilled some down the front of my coat and it froze solid.

The fellow parked behind us is a young man from Portland – Joel. i was very concerned for car camper Joel whose little vehicle was very frosty until about 15 minutes before the convoy departed. (especially after talking to car camper Carl who said he kept his car running thru the night so he wouldn’t freeze). I peeked in car camper Joel’s windows (creepy i know) a couple times and was concerned that we would have to revive him making us run late for convoy departure which would irritate me. Obviously compassion and patience is a lesson I am learning on this trip.

Found my friend from PNW Convoy Support!

This morning we headed out at 8 AM and crossed into New Mexico. We are currently headed to Glenrio Texas. Flags flying and blue skies!

Blue skies and waving flags

Brought along apples, oranges, and carrots for snacks today. I’ve eaten far too much red licorice and macadamia nuts.

Coming from Washington state, I have to say it is refreshing to be around this many like-minded people. People who don’t tell you to shut up and put your mask on or shut up and get the vaccine. I hate being told to shut up. I guess most people do.

More later.

Published by

Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

One thought on “02/25/22 AM convoy road ramblings”

  1. Just want you to know than many of my friends are watching you and praying for you and Leonard. We are all so very proud of what you’re doing❤️🇺🇸❤️For those of us that can’t be there we look forward to your blogs each day. My friend Bonnie just told me that Dan Bonjino had an interview with a woman involved in the logistics and it is amazing all the work that is being done behind the scenes!!
    It fills my heart to near bursting each day I read your blog!! Roll on sister, I love you❤️

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