Boron: close to cool stuff but far from boring.

We drove nine hours today. My husband was so tired he called bratwurst, brussel sprouts, and now that I’ve typed it and looked at it a while, the word brussel seems so wrong…BRUSSEL, brussel.

He also said pasta noodles. I can’t live like this much longer.

So instead of writing something amusing or informative, I’m going to share pictures of one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen on this trip: The Tehachapi Mountains.

They’re terrible pictures because I was in a rush to capture the images so I took them from a moving car and sometimes through a dirty window. I hoped they’d turn out better. If I really wanted to make them clear and focused, I’d go back and reshoot them. Or I could pretend that I did it on purpose and they’re supposed to look like that. And if you don’t like them there’s something wrong with you. If someone criticizes them, I’ll call them nuts and try to get them thrown off social media for misinformation. Nah.

So here are my bad pictures. I’m not going to pretend they’re good, but they are full of good intentions: to create and share.

Besides having a big Borax mine which is probably owned by China if you did some digging (ha ha pardon the pun), Boron prides itself on being pretty close to cool things like L.A., Vegas, the world’s oldest tree and of course, the exquisite Tehachapi Mountains.

If all goes according to plan…we’ll catch-up with the convoy tomorrow evening in Lupton, Arizona.

Good night!

Published by

Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

2 thoughts on “Boron: close to cool stuff but far from boring.”

  1. In my opinion, mountains are always beautiful! I guess that’s why I live in them! 😃
    I enjoyed your imperfect pictures very much!
    Safe travels. Try not to kill your husband! LOL! 😆

  2. In my opinion, mountains are always beautiful! I guess that’s why I live in them! 😃
    I enjoyed your imperfect pictures very much!
    Safe travels. Try not to kill your husband! LOL! 😆

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