QUICK NOTES FROM THE ROAD – and some long ones

PICKING UP THE TRAILER I thought you just hooked the little guy up to the truck and drove. Not so. It required a two hour, mind-melting tutorial with a fella who’s been doing this too long. My eyes glazed over and anxiety went through the roof as my head filled with a language I didn’t speak and quite frankly did not want to learn. Concepts of grey water and grounding cords or pressure valves lingered in my ears…waiting to get in, but my brain said “NO vacancy!”

ME: Did you understand all that?

MR SUTTER: All what?

ME: All the words coming out of that man’s mouth. Listen, I can pack the things and cook the food. I can plan the trip and read the maps. I can make the signs and write the stories. But I don’t get how to work the trailer!

MR SUTTER: We’ll figure it out.

I couldn’t sleep that night with worry that I didn’t know what I didn’t know I didn’t know. I was sure we would be traveling across America with poop oozing out of busted pipes and propane flames shooting out the windows.

Then, on the morning of our departure, what did I see by the dawn’s early light? Mr. Sutter’s buddy, ZZ (not his real name but that’s what we call him because Mr. Sutter misheard it once, so it’s stuck for our family), swung by to have a look and he just happens to be one of those mechanically inclined people who also used to repair RVs.

ZZ and Mr. Sutter got everything dialed in and I didn’t have to figure it out.

Now, you might be thinking: Kevi! You should more like a pioneer woman and learn how to be self-sufficient in this trailer on the road. To which I’d reply: I’d just hook it up to the truck and drive it. I’d run out of propane and poop in the woods and sleep dry inside with extra blankies. I’d drink athletic greens and eat baked beans out of can. Pioneers wouldn’t touch the black, gray or purple water…let alone the satellite and wifi!

FIRST DAY SUNDAY 02/20/22 With all the dialing in and last minute packing, we got a late start out of North Bend. We headed south on I5 and enjoyed many truck stops along the way. Some are quite lovely and relaxing. Some not so much. We ate microwaved hot dogs for lunch in the trailer and arrived in Florence Oregon in the dark. The convection microwave failed to roast a pork tenderloin rubbed with thyme and dijon properly, so I had to slice it and pan fry it. Eventually, it was served with some INCREDIBLE asparagus and apples with peanut M&Ms for dessert. Very nice. (NOTE: we’ve been told that there is a chance our produce will be confiscated by authorities in California. Anyone have any insight on that?)

SECOND DAY MONDAY 02/21/22 It’s 8 AM I’ve made a list of things I need in the trailer: broom, storage containers to hold things in place, bigger entrance rug, some adhesive hooks for the bathroom. Other than that it’s really fantastic. We plan to explore Florence a bit and go OUT to breakfast or just grab coffee before hitting the road. And it’s still raining. Another six hour drive to a campground in beautiful Orland, California today! The high is 60 degrees and the low is 40…and DRY!

More about the convoy itself coming later today. Please feel free to ask questions and share.

Published by

Head Scullery Maid

I love to cook hence my plethora of dirty dishes. Although I don't have one, I do believe that there is a right and wrong way to load a dishwasher.

One thought on “QUICK NOTES FROM THE ROAD – and some long ones”

  1. Not too bad for for a couple of NW vagabonds!! So far everything has come together except for the convection micro😊 Carry on sister🙏❤️

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